Baseline Survey of Empowering
Title: Baseline Survey of Empowering the Vulnerable in Four Urban Slums by Building Resilience to Everyday and Disaster Risks Project
Overall Objective:
To focus on deeper analysis on the situation and problem making it measurable through quantification and qualification of the problems/issues so that those will helpful to measure the progress of the project comparing with the indicators outlined in the project M&E plan/log-frame over the project period.
Specific Objectives:
• To assess up-to-date demographic and socio-economic information including but not limited to their present housing condition, information on disasters both natural and manmade, their frequency of occurrence and WaSH especially water supply and sanitation situation, hygiene, waste water treatment, garbage collection, WaSH in schools etc.
• To provide an in-depth indicative information on the status of community participation, their interest, knowledge, skills and attitudes in climate change, rural migration, environment and DRR issues (especially the target groups in the community and/or development initiatives in the target communities)
• To provide analytical benchmark information on the Government plans/programs and their policies with regard to DRR and to what extent they are well aligned with the adaptation needs of the local communities and provide in-depth understanding of the capacity and coordination gaps at the institutional levels
• To provide benchmark information for measuring project achievements and impact (at the project objectives, intermediate result levels based on the project proposal and / or log frame
• To provide analytical information on the number of civil society/youth/children groups already actively engaged in issues of DRR in the target constituencies and provide an benchmarks of their knowledge, attitude and skills in climate change and DRR sector.
• To identify key actors (service providers, slum management committee etc.)
• To identify benchmarks and indicators those can be used as a point of reference for monitoring and evaluation of the
• Urban Disaster Risk Reduction project
• To provide relevant recommendation based on the Bangladesh Urban Slum Community Resilient Framework
Scope of Work:
• Designing of the baseline including data collection methods in consultation with designated HFHB and Caritas Bangladesh staffs
• Pre-testing of the research tools in one or two communities and adaption and re-appropriation of the tools if needed
• Review of the secondary data available
• Data punching in the SPSS/Stata/Microsoft Excel and analysis
• Preparing draft report
• Finding sharing workshop with HFHB and Caritas Bangladesh staffs and advisory committee to seek their inputs on the findings
• Incorporate feedbacks and finalize the report
Mixed Method Approach (Quantitative and Qualitative).
Lalmath & Bauniabadh slums in Dhaka city; and Labanchara & Masghat slums in Khulna city, Bangladesh.
Funding Organization:
1. Habitat for Humanity International – Bangladesh- www.habitatbangladesh.org
2. Caritas Bangladesh- www.caritas.org
3. Caritas Switzerland- www.caritas.org