Development of Module and Conduction of ToT …
Title: Development of Module and Conduction of ToT on Skill and Knowledge for Active Citizenship
Overall Objective:
To achieve the results of EYW project a soft skill module will be developed which will ensure that 67,000 young women and men (Different groups as per geographical need i.e student groups- both school and madrasa, married young women group, young men group etc. The age of the youth members will be 15-29) can increase thier knowledge and skill about their rights, responsibilities and active citizenship.
Specific Objectives:
• To ensure young women and men has increased knowledge about their rights
• To increase the knowledge of young women and men on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights,
• Gender Based Violence, Climate change affects
• To increase the skills of young women and men on effective communication, team management, leadership and decision making
• To develop minimum standard of knowledge on business planning and employment.
Scope of Work:
• Mapping of existing life skill/soft skill modules used in development sector
• Prepare a draft soft skill module including the delivery guideline
• Field test and Adjust field test finding and finalize the module
• Detailing implementation guideline- Game kit & Tools
• 2 TOT(s) for partner staffs and youth on the module in 2 locations (Rangpur and Barisal)
Rights, self-confidence, communication skill, leadership, decision-making skills, business planning, SRHR, GBV, climate change etc.
Funding Organization:
1. UCEP- Bangladesh- www.ucepbd.org
2. OXFAM- www.oxfam.org