End Evaluation of “Quality Educators….
Title: End Evaluation of “Quality Educators for Generations to Come!” Project
Specific Objectives:
• To assess the success and failures of the project/program including the role of CAMPE as an institution in this regard.
• To identify different options for CAMPE’s future phase, considering the results of the evaluation, the present development context and donor scenario.
• To find out scopes of using the learning of the project in future plan of education of CAMPE and other NGOs/institutions.
• To assess the organizational structure, institutionalization process, achievement and constraints of objectives (both qualitatively and quantitatively) of the project. It will examine CAMPE‘s contribution to /credibility in the education sector as a whole in relation to its mission and objectives.
Scope of Work:
• Meeting with CAMPE and Oxfam Introduction to the assignment and Finalization of contracts
• Orientation with the project
• Review existing literature, reports, documents etc.
• Meeting/workshop with stakeholders
• Meeting with GoB
• Meeting with other DPs
• Report writing
• Sharing draft report
• Discussion on draft report with Oxfam and partner NGOs
• Finalize report
Mixed Method Approach (Quantitative and Qualitative).
Funding Organization:
1. Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE)- www.campebd.org
2. OXFAM Novib- www.oxfamnovib.nl