Impact Evaluation of the mSTAR
Title: Impact Evaluation of the mSTAR/Bangladesh Activity
Overall Objective:
To provide an independent assessment of the mSTAR/Bangladesh activity’s impact on the acceleration and adoption of digital payments, including mobile money and electronic payments, among the USAID/Bangladesh programs and the populations that they serve.
Specific Objectives:
• Assess the program’s progress toward the goal of integrating digital payments (including mobile money and electronic payments) in the programs and operations of implementing partners.
• Assess the program’s progress toward the goal of supporting expansion of the digital payments industry in ways that are beneficial to USAID programs and USAID’s broader development objectives at an ecosystem level.
• Assess the impact of the grants program
Scope of Work:
Review relevant documents including programmatic reports, project publications, site visit reports and other related documents
Finalize data collection tools;
Recruit facilitators, interviewers, note-takers and field supervisors;
Provide training to field staff;
Ensure pre-testing of data collection tools;
Ensure data collection at field level;
Analyze collected data;
Prepare evaluation report for submission.
Qualitative Approach.
Funding Organization:
1. FHI 360- www.fhi360.org
2. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)- www.usaid.gov