Situation Analysis and Need Assessment
Title: Situation Analysis and Need Assessment among Garment Workers in Gazipur and Chittagong Districts, from Eye Health Perspective
Overall Objective:
To assess the current situation of eye health among garment workers, such as knowledge and health seeking practice regarding eye health (focusing on Refractive Error) among a sample population.
Specific Objectives:
• To assess the level of knowledge and health seeking practice regarding eye health (focusing on Refractive Error) among garment workers, Garment Supervisors and Management of NGOs, garment factories and ophthalmologist in selected garments.
• To identify the determining factors behind gender gap in the uptake of eye health services among garment workers in selected garments.
• To identify constraints, opportunities, incentives, appropriate and feasible measures that project can undertake to improve access to eye care, and to reduce gender inequity in uptake of services, in selected garments.
Scope of Work:
Review relevant documents;
Finalize data collection tools;
Recruit field staff;
Provide training to field staff;
Ensure pre-testing of data collection tools;
Ensure data collection at field level;
Analyze collected data;
Prepare study report for submission.
Mixed Method Approach (Quantitative and Qualitative).
A total of 10 selected garments in Gazipur and Chittagang district, Bangladesh.
Funding Organization:
1. The Fred Hollows Foundation- www.hollows.org