Primary Eye Care Training (PEC) among Garment Workers
Title: Primary Eye Care Training (PEC) among Garment Workers
Specific Objective:
• To enhance the awareness and capacity of the participants on Eye Care Issues;
• To understand the participants about preventive measures of eye diseases;
• To increase inclusion in eye health services.
Scope of Work:
• To review of the relevant documents and curriculums.
• To develop presentation (PPT) & others materials for orientation program and share with the respective persons of FHF.
• To conduct orientation sessions among 8,000 (Approx.) garments workers through 160 batches (80 batches in Gazipur & 80 batches in Chittagong)
• To prepare consolidated report for orientation program and submit to FHF.
8,000 RMG Workers.
10 RMG in Gazipur, Dhaka and Chittagong districts, Bangladesh.
Funding Organization:
1. The Fred Hollows Foundation- www.hollows.org