Baseline Knowledge Attitude and Practice….
Title: Baseline Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP) Survey on Eye Health Services Related to Diabetes in Seven Districts of Bangladesh
Specific Objectives:
• To assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practices regarding diabetes and diabetic retinopathy among community members (including a targeted sample of patients with diabetes and their families) and eye health care workforce in target locations
• To identify the determining factors behind gender gap in the uptake of eye health services within the Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) and Diabetic Retinopathy care continuum among community members in target locations
• To identify appropriate and feasible measures that project can undertake to improve access to eye care caused by diabetic retinopathy, and to reduce gender inequity in uptake of services, in target locations
Scope of Work:
• Construction of a survey protocol
• Piloting and refinement of draft data collection tools
• Development of a field plan (based on draft protocol)
• Undertaking of a baseline KAP survey in Brahmanbaria district and all 6 districts of Barisal Division, based on a draft protocol
• Data analysis
• Research report writing with recommendations
• Presentation of findings at a dissemination workshop
Mixed Method Approach (Quantitative and Qualitative).
Barisal, Jhalakathi, Patuakhali, Bhola, Barguna, Pirojpur and Brahmanbaria district, Bangladesh.
Funding Organization:
1. The Fred Hollows Foundation- www.hollows.org
2. Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust (QEDJT)- www.jubileetribute.org