Capacity Assessment on Eye Health

Title: Capacity Assessment on Eye Health Facilities: Seven Districts in Bangladesh

Overall Objective:
To assess the current capacity of eye health facilities in seven districts of Bangladesh.

Specific Objectives:
• To identify the ownership types of eye health facilities, level of service provision, nature of the facilities and scope of eye health services at heath facilities;
• To assess infrastructural capacity of eye care, available equipment relevant to eye care at eye health facilities, support facilities and available human resources for eye care.

Scope of Work:
 Review relevant documents;
 Finalize data collection tools;
 Recruit field staff;
 Provide training to field staff;
 Ensure pre-testing of data collection tools;
 Ensure data collection at field level;
 Analyze collected data;
 Prepare study report for submission.

Mixed Method Approach (Quantitative and Qualitative).

Barisal, Jhalakathi, Patuakhali, Bhola, Barguna, Pirojpur and Brahmanbaria district, Bangladesh.

Funding Organization:
1. The Fred Hollows Foundation-