Professor Muhammad Nazmul Haq
Professor Muhammad Nazmul Haq, M.Sc, M.Ed, M.A
Lead Consultant (Inclusive Education), Institute of Social Business,
Professor, Institute of Education & Research, University of Dhaka
Mr. Haq has enormous experience on teaching, research and curriculum development. He also attended different national and/international level seminars/workshops in the field of education. He served as principal researcher/team member of different research projects such as ‘Final evaluation of the Bangladesh basic education for the hard to reach urban working children (BEHTWRUC), 2nd phage. The project was undertaken by PINZ International, New Zealand supported by SIDA, CIDA and UNICEF; “Needs assessment for USAID Bangladesh’s engagement in improved reading skills in primary grades. This project was under RTI International, USA and sponsored by USAID Bangladesh; Review BRAC’s pre-primary school pilot in Tanzania. Funded by BRAC Tanzania; Evaluation of char livelihood programme a DFID funded project in Bangladesh; Conduct the second national assessment report on primary school children for grade III and V (for 2008); national status survey of teachers in Bangladesh, sponsored by UNESCO. FREPD, Dhaka; First national assessment report on primary school children for grade III and V (for 2006); Review the Early Childhood Resource Centere (ECDRC) of BUIED, sponsored by Plan Bangladesh; Baseline survey to determine the situation of early childhood education, sponsored by Save the Children USA; Study on teacher motivation in Bangladesh sponsored by University of Sussex, UK; Study to determine the situation of early childhood education in Bangladesh. Undertaken by Creative Associates International, Washington; Study on evaluation of 2002 C-in-Ed curriculum sponsored by World Bank; Conduct the terminal evaluate of the ESTEEM project sponsored by DFID; Baseline survey of secondary schools in Bangladesh. Jointly sponsored by IED, BRAC University and PACE programme, BRAC; Study on ‘Situation of out-of-school adolescents in Bangladesh’. UNESCO, Bangladesh; Evaluation of Non-Formal Education, Project II of DNFE. Sponsored by Sida and Norad, Dhaka; Final Review and Evaluation of the Active Learning Core Project (ALCP). DFID, Dhaka etc. Mr. Haq has more than 20 research base publications like books/articles/reports.